Archive for June 11th, 2019

Anthropology, General Anthropology


Directions: Read the questions below and formulate a response to each that is at least one hundred words in length.  Please cite the textbook and external resources to support your answer (Wikipedia sources are not permitted).  List each resource used at the end of paper in the reference list section.  Please remember that you may utilize LIRN to help you search for resources.  You can visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully
PART II: Journal

Using a minimum of three resources ( is not an option) write a 1 to 2 page paper in APA format to discuss and review your own work, school, and life experiences in which the use of participant observation to gather data would have provided unique insights.  Identify the sides in the conflict.  Where did the “data” or information used by each side in the situation originate?  How, specifically, might the data gathered by a trained anthropologist, who adheres to the anthropological code of ethics, help each side understand the other?







Final exam is scheduled for April 20th from 1-4 pm in Gym A/B. Please check the Registrar website for updates or changes, and for which ROOM you will write in. If there is a room split, you must write the exam in the room location you have been assigned based on your last name.


These are SHORT ANSWER questions, which means about a paragraph or half a page, at most. Each questions is different, and some answers require more detail than others. Thus, read each question carefully so you understand the components of the question, and make sure to answer fully (all parts). Be concise but clear.

To help you study for the exam, it is a good idea to answer these questions completely in full, as you would on the final exam. However, it is suggested that you then come up key points or words to help you remember each answer, rather than try to memorize an answer in its entirely.  Good luck!



1.     What is popular culture? Define the concept in detail, and list two examples of popular culture.


2.     What is cultural anthropology and two of its guiding principles? Based on the reading and lecture (week 2), also provide two detailed examples of how cultural anthropologists are represented in horror films.


3.     Define semiotics and hermeneutics. Using one example from the Cormack article, explain how Tim Horton’s coffee (through its commercials) is a symbol of Canadian identity.


4.     Define discourse and colonial discourse. Provide one example of a colonial discourse and briefly describe what that discourse consists of.


5.     According to the readings and lecture (week 4), what is the national discourse produced at the Vancouver Olympics and why is this problematic? Please describe and explain your answer clearly and succinctly.


6.     Drawing from the “What is a Nation? The Appropriation of First Nations as Canadian” readings and/or lecture, provide an example of how either First Nations and other marginal members of society contested power (representations and discourses) at the Vancouver Olympics. Explain your example in some detail.


7.     Some scholars argue that the spread of Hollywood films globally is a form of cultural imperialism. What does cultural imperialism mean? Define and explain the concept in detail.


8.     While Bollywood has achieved international success, many filmmakers wish to expand their market globally (i.e. to the U.S, Canada, and Britain). Briefly discuss two of the issues surrounding the question “can Bollywood go global?”


9.     How is managing your facebook profile like neoliberalism (use a neoliberalism logic)? Explain and provide two examples (week 5)


10.  Based on the article by Gershon (2011) or lecture (week 5), describe two ways facebook influences social relationships.


11.  Soap operas such as Forbidden Love produce hegemonic discourses and reproduce societal norms. However, fans have edited and remade this soap into ‘webisodes,’ Christian & Oliver, as a form of resistance. Describe the changes made and how these changes subvert dominant norms.


12.  The lifestyle reality television show What Not to Wear (WNTW) is a space where identity is produced and remade. The authors argued that this is achieved through governmentality. Define governmentatity and explain how it works in the show WNTW to remake identity.


13.  In his article about blackness in science fiction films, Russell (week 7) argues that blackness appears as avatarism. Define avatarism and provide two examples of avatarism in film. Describe your examples.


14.  In her article (week 8), Abu-Lughod (2002) discusses how Egyptian melodramatic serials are embedded with political and moral messages. What are these messages and how are these messages received by the lower economic classes? Explain in detail.


15.  Stuart Hall (week 8) argues that audiences read, rather than passively consume, popular culture. Although audiences actively construct meaning and interpret messages, this does not mean that they can construct ANY meaning. Identify and define the three possible reading positions.


16.  Based on the article Luo and Sun (2015) and lecture in week 10, explain two ways in which the Chinese dating show Fei Cheng Wu Rao (“If You the One?”) produces sociocultural gender norms. In your answer, identify what gender norm is being produced.


17.  Jhally (2002) writes that we live in an “image based culture,” which has skewed our views of gender. According to his article, how can society reveal more of the “real world of substance?” Outline his four points and explain you answer using the Dove Campaign as an example (film: The Beauty Backlash, reading and film from week 11).

Human and Animal Interrelationships

Term Paper Topics


Select one of these questions to answer:

  1. Should animals be used in medical research (e.g., research on cancer)?
  2. Should animals be kept in factory farms for human consumption?  
  3. Should it matter how animals are housed and treated if they are going to be killed for consumption later? (e.g., Should it matter how animals are treated in slaughterhouses before they are killed for consumption? Should it matter how chickens or pigs are kept in factory farms if they are going to be killed for meat? )
  4. Should wildlife protection have a higher priority than commercial interests (e.g., Should the pygmy owl have a higher priority than the development of housing and businesses around Tucson?  Should wildlife be protected and hinder logging or oil pipelines?)
  5. Should animals be kept for human food consumption (i.e., should humans eat other animals)?
  6. Should animals be kept in zoos or aquaria?
  7. Should animals be used in circuses?
  8. Should horses be used for the sport of racing?
  9. Should animals be used for the sport(s) in rodeo (e.g., bull riding, bronc riding, calf roping)?
  10. Should animals be hunted (e.g., commercial big game hunting, state license hunting)?
  11. Should animals be used in modern warfare?
  12. Should children/adolescents raise animals for slaughter in youth programs such as 4H or FFA? (Is this desensitization or education?)
  13. Should elderly care facilities be required to allow the residents to keep pets?
  14. Should animals be used in religion?



Think of all the possible perspectives that might answer the question in different ways. Put yourself in their shoes of different people and answer the topic question. Examples of different perspectives:


    • Animal welfare proponents
    • Animal rights advocates
    • Food security proponents
    • Ethicists, philosophers
    • National and local economic / employment interests
    • Educators
    • Medical researchers
    • Parents
    • Small business owners
    • Family ranchers or farmers
    • Large-scale agriculturalists /factory farmers
    • Wildlife managers
    • Conservationists




The question I selected is:


  1. Should animals be used in medical research (e.g., research on cancer)?


My Thesis statement might be:


In this paper I will present alternative position on the topic of animal use for medical research, considering a variety of perspectives, and concluding with a position on animal testing that seems most justifiable.


The body of my paper would include these sections:



Yes- animals should be used in medical research

(Include at least 1 of these perspectives)

·        Some Medical researches hold this perspective because …

o   evidence, references

·        Some Parents may also hold this perspective because ….

o   evidence, references

·        Some Animal welfare proponents may also hold this perspective because ….

o   evidence, references

·        Some Ethicists / Philosophers hold this perspective because…

o   evidence, references




No- animals should not be used in medical research

(Include at least 1 of these perspectives)

·        Animal rights advocates hold this perspective because…

o   evidence, references

·        Other Medical researches hold this perspective because …

o   evidence, references

·        Some Ethicists / Philosophers hold this perspective because…

o   evidence, references


Military Intelligence Exam

1) Automation technology can be used to reduce the burden of sorting through large amounts of _____ to enable an analyst to correlate various sets of _____ to make an assessment.   [objective84]   [Remediation Accessed :N]


data, information


intelligence, data


information, intelligence


data, intelligence




2) Joint intelligence planning supports joint operation planning and may result in the production of what three products?   [objective102]  



 Contingency Plan



 Dynamic Threat Assessment



 Annex B: Intelligence



 National Intelligence Support Plan


3) What two features distinguish intelligence from information?   [objective86]   [Remediation Accessed :N]



 Provides raw, factual information on a wide variety of subjects



 Consists of the synthesis of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgment with an assigned degree of confidence to the analytical conclusion



 Allows anticipation or prediction of future situations and circumstances



 Contributes to or shapes the commander’s decision making process


4) Which of the following are tasks that the J2 performs? (Select all that apply.)   [objective87]   [Remediation Accessed :N]



 Produces threat assessments on a continuing basis to help the commander create or exploit opportunities to accomplish friendly force objectives



 Assesses the characteristics of the adversary’s decision-making process and identifies weaknesses that may be exploited



 Ensures that critical intelligence is disseminated appropriately in a timely manner to the joint force commanders (JFCs), staff, and components



 Analyzes the adversary and other relevant aspects of the operational environment


5) As it relates to management of priority intelligence requirements (PIRs), what is the responsibility of the J2 once the commander has approved the PIRs?   [objective88]  



Focus efforts supporting the objectives and disseminate positive information in an appropriate and timely manner to the joint force commander’s staff and components



Propose PIR updates for approval by the J3, Operations Director



Continuously review and update Friendly Force Information Requirements (FFIR)



Continuously review the PIRs with respect to the adversary and the changing situation to determine whether they remain relevant to the commander’s intent


6) Collection activities acquire and extract data from the operational environment such that Processing and Exploitation can convert that data into information to be used during Analysis and Production to refine into _____ to satisfy Requests for Information (RFI) or the commander’s Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR).   [objective89]  









data fee





7) After intelligence requirements are established, the staff reviews organic information sources for answers to requirements. If a requirement cannot be met from local sources then the _____.   [objective90]  



staff issues a Request for Information (RFI)



JFC refines the PIR to match available intelligence



staff requests JFC for justification of PIR



staff rejects JFC’s PIR


8) Which of the following must collection managers continuously monitor the results of? (Select all that apply.)   [objective91]   [Remediation Accessed :N]



 Diversity and availability of intelligence dissemination paths



 Available collection assets



 Processing and exploitation and production capacity



 Effectiveness of meeting collection requirements to address the JFC’s evaluation and feedback portion of the intelligence process


9) Intelligence dissemination requirements and procedures must be coordinated through the _____.



Communications directorate of the J6



Joint force command J3



Joint Collection Management Board



Joint force command J2


10) This intelligence product category involves the integration of time-sensitive, all-source intelligence and information into concise, objective reporting on the current situation in a particular area.   [objective93]  



Identity Intelligence



Estimative Intelligence



Current Intelligence



Target Intelligence


11) This intelligence product category results from the fusion of identity attributes and other information and intelligence associated with those attributes collected across all intelligence disciplines.   [objective94]   [Remediation Accessed :N]



Warning Intelligence



Identity Intelligence



General Military Intelligence



Target Intelligence


12) What category of intelligence is produced for the President, Congress, Secretary of Defense, senior military leaders and Combatant Commanders?   [objective95]  






Theater strategic



National strategic



National security


13) An intelligence estimate of the enemy campaign lines of operation based on intelligence reporting of an extremist group’s use of safe houses and the local population for logistical support is an example of what level of intelligence?   [objective96]  



Theater strategic











14) Prior to planning for operations in support of the JFC OPLAN an intelligence brief is presented to the planning staff. Which one of the ten principles of intelligence does this represent?   [objective97]  














15) Assuming the truism that intelligence is imperfect, what is the best way to minimize the obstacles to achieving a high degree of fidelity in the products of intelligence?   [objective98]  



Anticipating the changing operational environment and focusing collection efforts to support ongoing operations



Collaborating with allies and coalition partners who possess niche expertise and alternative perspectives that complement joint force intelligence efforts



Staffing efforts to achieve a mix of skills and characteristics that enable them to remain responsive a changing environment



Constantly strive to maintain the highest possible standards of excellence


16) A key function of the J2 is to integrate outside stakeholders into intelligence planning and operations. The J2 can support the Joint Force Commander by integrating _____.   [objective99]  



nongovernmental organizations



interested UN countries



state and local militias



partner nation intelligence capabilities and assessments


17) Which of the following National Intelligence leadership positions advises the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commanders (CCDRs), and USD(I) on all matters concerning military and military-related intelligence.   [objective100]  [Remediation Accessed :N]



Director of National Intelligence



Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence



Joint Staff Directorate for Intelligence, J2



Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency


18) The intelligence component of the National Joint Operations and Intelligence Center (NJOIC) provides planning, management, and infrastructure for intelligence working groups and intelligence task forces that provide direct intelligence support during major conflicts.   [objective101]  








19) Which two of the following statements highlight the critical features of intelligence?   [objective85]  



 Allows anticipation or prediction of future situations and circumstances



 Provides raw, factual information on a wide variety of subjects



 Informs decisions by illuminating the differences in available courses of action



 Contributes to or shapes the commander’s decision making process


You think your company should be offering internships.


Persuasive Communication

Case Assignment 2 pertains to the Purdue’s OWL site on memos (2013), Bowman (2002), Beason (2001), and Reddy (2010).

As a manager at your company (the same one we used in Case 1), you think your company should be offering internships. With all the colleges in the Los Angeles area, you would have a large group of people who should be interested in an internship program. In addition, your company could use the extra help and creativity of about-to-graduate college students.

You recently read about Nickerson PME1, a 10-person Boston area marketing and public relations firm. Owner Lisa Nickerson offers a year-round internship program. She calls participants “associates” to make them feel less like “lowly interns” and more like members of the staff. Her interns receive course credit and work experience, but do not earn a paycheck. Instead, Nickerson teaches them to perform tasks like preparing press releases and promoting the company to clients. The arrangement results in valuable help around the office without draining the budget. Nickerson says, “If you take the time to put together a good program, you don’t have to pay the student. An abundance of students want that type of hands-on client experience.”

You believe that Los Angeles college students would be eager to gain experience at a real company, and fill in their résumés with solid work experience. The problem is that your boss resists internship programs because he has heard that interns are really employees who must be paid. He told you in a recent conversation that he is unsure of the fine line that separates employees from interns, and he doesn’t want to violate any labor laws.

Write a persuasive memo message to Dick Elders, Senior General Manager of your company. Explain to him how interns are different from employees. Use the Internet to research the topic, and learn what six requirements help the government determine whether an intern is a paid employee. Use persuasive strategies you have studied, but stay focused on the conviction that interns do not have to be paid as employees. You are on a first-name basis with Dick.

1This is a fictitious case.

Assignment Expectations

In your memo, you are expected to apply the persuasion concepts to demonstrate your ability to craft an effective persuasive memo. Please use proper English. Sentences must be properly constructed and free of grammatical and typographical errors. No citations are needed in the memo.

Write a summary explaining why you used the principles you used in writing your memo. Your explanation should make use of at least two sources from the required readings. It should be analytical and sufficiently rigorous to demonstrate synthesis of the concepts. The summary is to be prepared as an academic essay. Content should be clearly presented with a logical flow. Formal citations are required, along with a formal bibliography.

Case General Expectations

In the Case Assignments, students will assume the role of a Manager in Employee Communications at a large service firm, such as a bank, or an advertising or consulting firm. Students will assume this role throughout the Case Assignments and be challenged with different scenarios, requiring written and verbal communication.

Formal citations and a bibliography are required unless otherwise stated.

.What is the difference between quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing?

Read the Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing article provided by the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) and the Academic Misconduct Policy (policy 2.3.11), and answer the following questions in essay format.

1.What is the difference between quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing?

2.What type of citation is required for each?

3.Why is properly citing sources important?

4.What are the possible consequences of improperly citing references?

Museums Virtual Tours Review


For this Essay, you will visit an art museum of your choice. You may visit one in person or take a virtual tour via the Internet. Below is a list of museums that offer virtual tours that you may want to review for this assignment. Please note that you are not limited to this list:

·         Louvre

·         National Gallery of Art

·         The National Gallery

You may select a virtual tour from this list above. Please include the name and location of your museum in your introductory paragraph.

For this essay, write about two artworks from the periods: Renaissance, Baroque, Impressionist, or Post-Impressionist periods.

For each piece, address the following:

·         Include the title, artist, date, medium, and scale.

·         Describe the artwork.

·         Describe the artist’s role in his or her society/community.

·         What do you think is the artist’s message?

·         What are the cultural significances of this piece?

·         What historical elements are included in this piece?

Formatting: Your essay will be at least five pages in length and include the following:

·         Title page (1 page)

·         Written Essay (2 pages)

·         Image(s) (1 page)

·         References (1 page)

·         Use Times New Roman 12- point font.

·         Double space all lines, and indent the first line of each paragraph.

·         Your title page should be correctly formatted with a Running Head and page number listed in the Header area.

·         Include your title, name, and school centered on the title page.

·         Your written essay should contain at least three paragraphs (including an introductory and conclusion).

·         Your last page will have the word References centered at the top.

All sources used, including the museum, must be cited in APA Style and included on the reference page.



· Please answer the following two questions:


· Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research articles on hypothesis test and its application in business. Select one (1) company or organization which utilized hypothesis test technique for its business process (e.g., whether or not providing flexible work hours improve employee productivity.) Give your opinion as to whether or not the utilization of such a technique improved business process for the selected company or organization. Justify your response.


· Select one (1) project from your working or educational environment that you would use the hypothesis test technique. Next, propose the hypothesis structure (e.g., the null hypothesis, data collection process, confidence interval, test statistics, reject or not reject the decision, etc.) for the business process of the selected project. Provide a rationale for your response.

Business Essay

Do a swot analysis in any of your preferred company. 


Discussion Question:

Describe the value of qualitative research in healthcare and its’ impact on clinical decision making. Provide an example how qualitative research may influence nursing practice or healthcare delivery.