Archive for January 9th, 2018

ENG 121 Revision Checklist

As you prepare to write your second discussion for this Week, take a few moments to: •Review Chapter 9 of Essentials of College Writing. •Then, review the “Revision ChecklistPreview the document,” which will guide you through the process of reflecting on and revising your personal essay.    head with Qmarks.png Reflect: Reflect on the purpose of your essay. Think about changes that you might incorporate into your personal essay in order to better support your topic and purpose.      writting hand.png Write: Revise your personal essay based on the “Revision ChecklistPreview the document” •Complete the “Revision ChecklistPreview the document” and upload it to your discussion board thread. Add a paragraph where you state: ◦The part of your essay you decided to revise. ◦How you revised it. ◦What techniques or methods from the Required Resources in this course you used to revise your essay (including Chapter 9 tips and techniques).

I have downloaded a revision checklist template that must be fill out. I have aslo download my teachers comments over the past couple weeks with this personal essay draft and a peer review on this paper. please follow the dicertions where it tells you to add a paragraph where you state the part of your essay you have decided to revise. thanks kindly.

Discussion 2:Principles of Economic Growth and Individual Wealth

Discussion 2:Principles of Economic Growth and Individual Wealth. Please respond to the following:

  • In your opinion, discuss why      East Asian countries economies grew more rapidly between 1960 and 2000      than did those of sub-Saharan African countries.
  • Explain whether it is possible      for a country to have a high GDP per person with low or no economic      growth. Why or why not?
  • Analyze how high population      growth affects economic growth and GDP per person

Biology Assignment

  1. Write one to three paragraphs summarizing the history of food microbiology.
  2. Write three to five paragraphs summarizing the contributions of Louis Pasteur to food microbiology.
  3. Write one paragraph summarizing the contribution of Nicolas Appert to food microbiology.

Week 1 Discussion – Managerial Economics

Week 1 Discussion – Managerial Economics

In managerial economics we apply a disciplined approach to analyzing problems in order to maximize profits. Is there a difference in this methodology when comparing a traditional production firm with a service-oriented company? For instance, what would the methodology be for comparing a large manufacturer with a large medical practice? Specifically detail your view.


APA 6th

Title: Managerial Economics         Author: Christopher R. Thomas & S. Charles Maurice Publisher: McGraw Hill Ed/Year: 11/2013 ISBN-13: 9780078021718

Week 1 Discussion – Mission Impossible? Marketing Management

Have you ever been involved in developing a mission statement for a company? If you have, you may recall agonizing over every word, how long the mission should be and what message you want to convey. Often, countless days and hours are spent on preparing the “perfect” mission statement or is it?

You might be surprised to discover that for every ten mission statements you read you might uncover one good mission that clearly articulates the purpose of a company.

For this discussion, post a mission statement of your choice. Clearly identify the company, list the mission statement and explain if you feel this mission statement is a good representation of the company and exemplifies the key traits of their business. If not, explain how you would improve it. Be sure to clearly support your position.


APA 6th

Text: Marketing Author: Kerin, R., Hartley, S., & Rudelius, W. Publisher: McGraw Hill-Irwin Edition/Year: 11th Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-07-802889-2


Power Point Fire Research

Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation Reviewing the Eight-Step Model Our textbook presented eight steps to completing a research report.  For this assignment, take on the role of instructor, and design a PowerPoint assignment explaining each of the eight steps in the process. Do not simply paste information from the textbook or any other source. Use text sparingly on each slide and use the Notes section to further explain the bullet point material you have included on each slide. Please do not paste paragraphs of small font onto the slides. Include at least one slide for each of the eight steps. Remember to support your points with scholarly material and include citations where needed to show from where the information came. Include a full APA style reference slide at the end. Do not forget to include a title slide with your name on it.

Opportunism In Healthcare

Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read Chapter 12 in the text, read the Rice (1997) and the Korda and Eldridge (2011) articles, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.  It is suggested that you also take a moment to review a few of the recommended articles to glean any potential helpful information. Opportunism in health care is especially perceptible in the health insurance markets.  Consider the area in which you live, specifically your state and local communities.  Evaluate the social-cultural issues that are influencing adverse selection in insurance markets.  Propose some strategies for reducing adverse selection in health insurance within these markets.  Develop a microeconomic model that is responsive to your local service demands.  Communicate how these issues are relevant to the economics of the greater U.S. health care system.  What are the future implications with the Affordable Care Act?

Historical Perspectives On Ethics Forum


As part of the APUS efforts for innovation in technology, your instructor has created news feed links that are specific to the subject of business. Both of the yellow titles below are links to separate news articles about business. Each week you are required to find one news article (From either link below) that relates to your personal interests and discuss how that article relates to our weekly material. Tell your instructor what the article was about and how the article relates to our learning content this week. Be creative with your thoughts on how you link the article to our course material). You should post the evaluation of the article at the end of your response to the discussion questions each week (Include this section as part of your 250-word response). The news feeds are updated throughout the day/week to provide you with a real-time learning environment. This technology integration will provide you, as a learner, the choice to discuss news events that fit your personal background and interests. It will also help you stay educated on current events that might relate to your related profession or personal interests. Enjoy.




Additional required questions this week:

Use our Library AND our weekly reading material to answer the following:

From your perspective, what are two of the most interesting historical ethical dilemmas that we have faced as a society? How do they relate to our reading material from weeks #1 and #2?

How did Adam Smith justify the ethics of capitalism? How does capitalism fit in with modern business life and how does it impact ethical dilemmas that you have seen or heard of in the workplace?  Use examples to support your positions.

Major Assignment 2: The Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data

Major Assignment 2: The Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data

In previous weeks, you completed Parts 1 and 2 of this Major Assignment. For this week’s Assignment and for Weeks 8 and 9, you will complete Part 3: Results. But before you complete Part 3, you must conduct your phone interview. Please note that before you conduct your interview, make sure you have completed your Discussion 1 for this week.

To prepare for this Assignment:

· Review the Interview Guide Instructions and the Interview Guide Example found in this week’s Learning Resources, and use these questions for your interview.

· Conduct your phone interview with your colleague from this course or another Walden student you selected.

· Make sure to record your phone interview for your transcription. (Note: It will be important for you to notify your interviewee that the interview will be recorded for transcription purposes prior to conducting the interview.)

· Review the readings and media programs in this week’s Learning Resources related to coding and consider how you will code the data you have gathered for your Major Assignment 2.

· Once you conduct your phone interview, begin to transcribe and code your interview.

Once you complete your phone interview, continue with the Part 3: Results section of your Major Assignment 2. You will continue to work through your Part 3: Results section in Weeks 7–9.

Part 3: Results

During this course, you have coded your two Scholars of Change videos, you have conducted and coded your phone interview, and you have gathered data from the Walden social change website and any other documents or websites you might have included. For this Part 3 of your Major Assignment, you will write up the results of your findings. You will include the following in your write-up:

A. Data Sources—briefly describe each data source including location, duration of data collection, how data were recorded, and unusual circumstances.

· Two Scholars of Change videos

· One phone interview

· Resources from the Walden social change website

B. Instrumentation—briefly describe the type of instrumentation you used for your data collection.

b. Who developed each data collection tool and what is the date of publication?

b. Where and with which participant group has it been used previously?

b. How appropriate is it for current study and include whether modifications will be or were needed?

1. Data Analysis—based on the data sources in “A.”, provide a detailed analysis to include the following:

. Report the process used to move inductively from coded units to larger representations including categories and themes.

. Describe the specific codes, categories, and themes that emerged from the data using quotations as needed to emphasize their importance.

2. 1st cycle—describe, give examples.

2. 2nd cycle—describe, give examples/moving from codes to categories.

2. Identify themes—provide examples and illustrate your results with a figure or a chart.

Discussion 2: What Makes a Good Interview?

Discussion 2: What Makes a Good Interview?

The intent of a qualitative interview is to encourage, elicit, and illuminate the interviewee’s experience in rich, thick detail. Consider that most interviewees will only have a general idea of your research goals and the depth you need for analysis. Therefore, your presentation of the interview questions and engagement with the interviewee are the tools that guide the process.

As you consider your interview, think about:

1. Asking of questions to ask to encourage stories and examples

2. How to “reframe” questions to reduce ambiguity and bias

3. What you can do to make the interviewee at ease

4. What you can do to build rapport and trust

For this Discussion, you will examine the characteristics of a good qualitative interview.

To prepare for this Discussion:

· Review the chapters of the Rubin and Rubin course text and consider the characteristics of a good qualitative interview.

· Review the Yob and Brewer interview questions in Appendix A at the end of the article and consider how interview guides are used in research.

· Review the Interview Guide Instructions and the Interview Guide Example found in this week’s Learning Resources and use these documents to guide you during your interview.

By Day 4

Post your explanation of the characteristics of a good qualitative interview. Also include what makes a good interview guide. Use the interview questions from Yob and Brewer’s interview guide to support your post.

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

Discussion 1: Best Practices in Interviewing

Discussion 1: Best Practices in Interviewing

“Ordinary conversations are about sociability and maintaining a relationship, while interviews are more about making a relationship to help find an answer to a research question” (Rubin & Rubin, 2012, p. 99).

For this Discussion, you will view videos that depict different interviewing techniques. You will then analyze and evaluate the techniques used, and you will discuss how you will utilize best practices when you conduct your own interviews.

To prepare for this Discussion:

· Review Chapter 12 of the Rubin and Rubin course text.

· Review the two media segments on interviewing. As you view the videos, practice your observation skills by creating field notes for yourself. Be careful to distinguish between observation and interpretation as Dr. Crawford warns in the videos.

· Consider the following questions for your post to evaluate the techniques used in each interview. Which practices could you use in your own interview? Which practices should you avoid? Where did the person in the video go wrong? How could this issue have been avoided or corrected?

By Day 3

Post a 2- to 3-paragraph evaluation of the interview techniques used in both interviews. Include commentary and analysis of best practices, practices to avoid, and how this viewing experience will inform your approach to the interviewing assignment introduced in this week’s Major Assignment.

When appropriate, be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the reading(s) and/or video program(s) and use APA format.